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Mr.Chaussette Battle Tournament

A multi-dimensional Beat'em Up with a multi-dimensional artstyle

General Informations

Rating: PEGI 12

Platforms: PC & Next-Gen consoles

Business: Premium

Intentions: Accessible, cooperative, tribute to Beat'em Up genre

Genre: Beat'em Up

Mode: 2 players

Target: Beat'em Up fans

Camera: 2D Side-Scroller, 2D with depth & 3D view

Work done

  • Characters' attacks

  • Enemy AI

  • QA & Bug Fixing

  • Characters' movement

  • Animation integration

  • Feedback

  • Characters' movement

    • To simulate the movements of a classic Beat'em Up game, we decided to constaint the movement to only left and right for the 2D part of the level, and then left/right and up/down

    • Characters will always face the camera, especially the 2D character to avoid any visual oddities

    • The jump works the same as Beat'em Up and Fighting games ; there is no air control. The directional input will control if the character goes straight or in a direction

  • Characters' attacks

    • Each character has the same amount of attacks :

      • A 3 hit combo

      • A special attack

      • An air attack

      • And a special air attack

    • Here, we have the same base for both 3 hit combos and air attacks, but the special attacks are different for each character.

      • For the ground special attack : The 2D character has a dash that deals damage at the end, while the 3D one does an attack that makes him jump.

      • For the air special attack, both launch a projectile. The 2D character will launch it in a straight vertical line in front of her ; the 3D character launch it in a diagonal line.

    • In terms of functionality, attacks are actors that follows the same order of Startup, Active and Recovery frames based on the attack animation.

    • There is a cancel system that allows some attacks to end sooner to make a new one ; the 3 hit combo is  working with this system, and each of these 3 attacks can be canceled into the ground special attack.

  • Animation Integration

    • As the project has a 3D and a 2D character, two methods has been used

    • For the 3D character, a simple Animation Blueprint was created, following the movement state of the character (Idle, Walking, Jumping) and the current attack

    • For the 2D character, as there is no Animation Blueprint to work with 2D Paper Flipbooks, a function was made to select which flipbook has to be played in each situation

  • Enemy AI

    • All enemies follows a really simple logic ; they goes to a random character and then they attack them. The target changes each time they loose their target before attacking

    • Each enemy has his own health and speed, depending of their archetype

    • The heavy enemy will reduce damage when be attacked in front, so they has to be attacked in the back

  • Feedback

    • Feedback was the most challenging part to do (see more in QA & Bug Fixing), but also an important one

    • To achieve a good feedback, some points were important

      • Hitting an enemy will cause hitstop to happen, freezing the character and the enemy to give a feeling of power

      • It also makes the enemy turn red and in his hit animation

      • A VFX spawns at the location where the enemy was hit

      • When getting hit, the animation and hitstop are also important

  • QA & Bug Fixing

    • During playtests, a lot of bugs were reported on Mantis BT and they were treated by priority

    • Feedback was the source of a lot of these bugs, espcially the hitstop

      • The hitstop was sometimes set multiple times because of a combo and so the character could not move during several seconds. To solve this problem, hitstop was only set to certain attacks

    • A lot of bugs reported were errors in the code that affected the game's quality but they were quickly resolvable

Team members


Level/Game Designer

Tech Designer

Character/Animation Artist

Environment Artist


System Designer

Tech Designer

Character/Animation Artist

Environment Artist

Level Designer

UI/UX Designer

Environment Artist

Environment/Concept Artist

VFX Artist

© 2023 - Julien MARTINEZ.

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